
Forgive the Dust

As a web designer I spend a lot of time thinking about web usability, that is, the best way to display web content to users. And one of the conclusions I reached long ago is that “Under Construction” pages are a huge waste of time. If it’s not done don’t bother telling your users about it. They do not want to see the pages you are planning to put up on your site, some day, maybe. They are not interested in your ambitions, just your content. They want to find the information they are seeking. They don’t care about your process; they care about their own experience.

I’ve wanted to start blogging for several years, so now I’m doing it. But the reason I’m doing it RIGHT NOW is that it’s finally time for me to get my shit together as a web designer and learn how some of these blog packages work. So this site is my guinea pig. I’ll try my best to only improve your user experience, but I will be fucking around with it a lot and there may be times when I screw it up royally. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

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