
Out of my Orbit

My 14 year old daughter has been visiting for the last two weeks. Since she’s been here she’s been busy writing short stories. She writes like someone far older…and far more twisted. One day I encouraged her to put up a blog with her stories on it and 20 minutes later she had published her first story.

You can check out her writing here at Auroraphobia’s Senseless Ranting. Auroraphobia is the “fear of the Northern Lights.” She actually has hemaphobia “fear of blood”, not auroraphobia, but you would never know it from her writing. [Her hemaphobia is attributable to seeing me almost bleed to death when she was about three, poor kid. I hope she gets over it.]

Aside from her visit I’ve been walking around with an unshakable sense that I’m doing something wrong, but don’t know what it is. I’ve felt this before, but never this clearly or for this long. The feeling comes and goes, but is altogether too prevalent for comfort.

One bright spot is that someone gave my husband two free plane tickets to Costa Rica. So we are going hiking in the rain forest sometime soon (I can’t wait to be in the mountains). Now we just need a pet sitter for 5 days. Anybody feel like house-sitting for our eight cats and one very cowed dog?

And finally, I have a game to share. It totally takes me back to my 9th grade Earth Sciences class wherein we spent the whole year calculating planetary orbits and making fun of our poor geeky brilliant teacher. I warn you though, it gets hard fast when you have to contend with more than one planet and orbiting moons. Makes you feel sorry for the sun. Play Orbitrunner. Hope you enjoy it.

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6 Responses to “Out of my Orbit”

  1. CancunCanuck
    August 17th, 2008 06:49

    Fabulous, how fun to read Daughter’s writings. Right up my alley, I like the dark stuff! I’m envious of your trip to Costa Rica, have a blast!

  2. Susan in Cancun
    August 17th, 2008 13:33

    I know a petsitter. 🙂 Email me for details.

  3. RiverGirl
    August 17th, 2008 13:37

    Thanks Canuck! And thanks Susan, I will be in touch!

  4. Michele in Playa
    August 18th, 2008 07:59

    Ummmm….wow. Your daughter really has something special. A blog is a great tool for her to develop her writing skills and experiment. You have a very bright young lady on your hands!!! Congratulations!!

  5. RiverGirl
    August 18th, 2008 08:48

    Thanks Michele, she’s a keeper all right.

    August 30th, 2008 21:29


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